Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Meal


A very dear friend of mine sent me the following meditation with the simple message, "I think this is why you do what you do".  Well, I must admit that it was such an incredibly timely message, as I have been feeling that "what I do" is quite frivolous and that I could be spending my time with much, much more important results.  You may have noticed my lack of posting for a couple of months.  My mother has been with us since Christmas, and while she is very non-judgmental,  I have been sort of reluctant to spend so much time and effort on setting pretty tables and featuring design trends, etc.  It just has seemed much more important to sit and chat and let her lead the conversations wherever she wanted.  I hope that this message from the Henri Nouwen Society, taken from Bread For the Journey, touches you and gives weight and validity to "what I do", which is always meant to be my expression of gratitude, joy, and appreciation to the people around my table.


Henri Nouwen Society - Daily Meditation

Friday February 15, 2013 

The Meal That Makes Us 
Family and Friends

We all need to eat and drink to stay 
alive. But having a meal is more than 
eating and drinking. It is celebrating 
the gifts of life we share. A meal 
together is one of the most intimate 
and sacred human events. Around the 
table we become vulnerable, filling one 
another's plates and cups and 
encouraging one another to eat and 
drink. Much more happens at a meal 
than satisfying hunger and quenching 
thirst. Around the table we become 
family, friends, community, yes, a 

That is why it is so important to "set" 
the table. Flowers, candles, colorful 
napkins all help us to say to one 
another, "This is a very special time 
for us, let's enjoy it!"

- Henri J. M. Nouwen 

Thank you to my friends and family who allow me to express this quality of fellowship.  And thank you, Isabelle for sending me this thoughtful message at such an appropriate time.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pastel Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  This is a simple breakfast table that I set for the folks that have the key to my heart: my precious Mom and Mr. Pressed Pants.

Breakfast was the only meal we were eating at home today, so I set this pastel table for us.  Why pastel, you ask?

Well, these conversation hearts inspired me to pull out my LuRay china that I have collected for years.  Then these pale pink gerbera daisies jumped into my basket at Whole Foods yesterday, and I had a plan.

This is a well-known trick for "lining" vases with any material that complements your arrangement.  Just a small vase inside a slightly larger one then use almost anything in between.  Easy-peasy!

So....a pastel table was born for a breakfast of three. 

LuRay china comes in these four colors.  The heart shaped plate is not LuRay, but the pink is a perfect match.  You can see how I use this china for Easter here.  I added this pale pink flatware that I've had for ages.

These juice glasses are actually cut glass vases that I thought would be great glasses and voila!  I bought twelve.

These antique napkin have such finely detailed needlework.  They are the finest, softest linen.  I wish I could learn about some of the other meals they have seen.  Do you ever wish your antiques could talk to you?  Am I strange?

Here are some of the many serving pieces that come in this old pattern.  

I have this sweet little jam dish and spoon with foxgloves on it.  It is Carleton Ware.  I think I need more of this!

What do you think?  Not your typical red and white Valentine's Day table, but we all certainly felt surrounded by love.

I'm joining:

Tabletop Tuesday

Wow Us Wednesday

Open House Thursday

Tablescape Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday

Seasonal Sundays

Let's Dish